This weekend, I worked a bit on building our new beehives!

We found some old hives on the property when we first moved in and I have since dismantled them and tossed most parts onto the burn pile. I’ve been told it’s best not to risk disease carryover to the new hive so I kept a deep super (hive box) and a shallow super (honey box) to take dimensions for building new ones. I also kept any plastic and metal parts as I can just scrub those down with soap. The pictures above are showing the process of taking some rough-sawn lumber I had and planing, joining, ripping, chopping, and rabbeting to make the super walls.

The wooden parts in the pictures that are strapped with shipping strapping are parts I ordered for the frames that go inside each super. Each box will hold 10 frames and I have purchased/built enough parts for 1 deep super and three shallow ones to be placed on top.

The bees have been ordered from a local Vermont apiary and should be available for pickup around May 20th!

More pics to come soon of assembling and finishing the boxes and frames.